Steps in Becomming Lifestyle Entrepreneur

The Internet has been used by academia since the 1980’s, but in the last fifteen years it has become what we know today. Today, 3.5 billion people log onto the Internet every day, and it's estimated that the number will double in the next five years. In 2017 a total of 3.58 billion people used the internet, up from 3.39 billion in the previous year.

For entrepreneurs looking to start or grow a business, the Internet offers a fairly unlimited and mostly untapped customer base. There are many successful lifestyle entrepreneurs, but they are just scratching the surface of the opportunity that’s available. 
A “lifestyle entrepreneur” is an entrepreneur who makes their living online. They don’t have a physical location or need one to operate. All they need is a laptop and connection to the Internet to manage their business. There are several tools and software they use, but they're portable.
They are not tied down, which allows them to operate their business all over the world. There can also be a passive income element to their business, but it’s not necessary. If they offer services, such as coaching or consulting, they can work over Skype, video conferencing. if they teach or training that can be done through YouTube channel the sweet is that you can earn money while deliver your service via internet.

1. Pick a profitable target audience.

I’m not going to give you the standard “choose your niche” advice. While being specific can help, it’s not always necessary. Where niching helps is when you get to be industry-specific. Idea specific is a lot harder to niche. 
The more important point is to make sure your “niche,” or target audience, can afford to pay you. Too many entrepreneurs pick a group that interests them but can’t afford their products and services. You are creating a business; there has to be a potential to generate income with whatever audience you pick. 

2. Build a simple foundation.

The foundation of a lifestyle entrepreneur’s business is their website. A website, however, will be a constant work in progress and holds too many entrepreneurs back. You don’t need all the fancy widgets and plugins. You don’t need the best looking website in the world. Get your social media profile well design and covered your business or project works this will bring in customers and increase in business income.

3. Focus on what works for you.

The Internet has given us access to success. You see successful lifestyle entrepreneurs talking about what’s working for them and you’re tempted to copy. Successful entrepreneurs model success. They don’t copy they learn. 
You have to figure out what works for you and your business. Just because it worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it will help your business. The best things you can do are to test and learn what works. It takes incredible and strategic focus to build a lifestyle business.
4. Listen to your customer complains

     The best way an entrepreneur or startup business can easy grow is to focus on          customer’s needs, be ready to deliver all necessary service to gain their loyalty           once a customer believes in your product or service they will come back even           refer friends, relative to such service. I heard a story of e-commerce online               shopping that deliver a product to lady in  ikoyi Lagos, and she got angry                  smashed a product worth fifty thousand naira because of the bad manner of the       delivery guy. After a week the C.E.O of the company went to the women with         her favorites drink that he got to know from her social media platform. He                 introduced himself as the CEO of this company and presented a gift to her for           loyalty, the woman was pleased after which she bought a product worth five             hundred thousand naira and refer her friends to use the platform. …customer             always right.

5. Get exposure and grow your audience.

Creating a strong social media is one great way to build your audience and tells your friend what you do, interacts in groups and media forums, contributes to topics and answer customer questions. Get expose to what trends around the world and develop you online availability.

6. Study what’s working and scale.

Once you have made progress, review what’s working for your business. See where you can make the process smoother and more efficient. Spend your time growing that profitable part of your business and scale the progress. 
Focus on what’s working and commit only to learn what will help your lifestyle business grow. Don’t become a victim of information overload. That has crippled many entrepreneurs. 
Being a lifestyle entrepreneur has been amazing for me. I enjoy real freedom. I don’t want you to think it’s all roses because there are real challenges. It takes years to build this kind of business, and it can be a roller coaster ride income-wise. 
If this type of business appeals to you, know that it’s possible and profitable. Do your homework and use these six steps to build the kind of business that best supports the type of life you want to live. Best of luck!!! w☺☺☺k 
