My political view and politics advice for Nigerian

I write here before you today as a victim-but also as a fighter.  I am a victim, just as everyone else here  is a victim, system that allow corrupt leaders to steal our money,and line their pocket. These are not just 419ers- they are 419ers in positions of political power, and whom we all too often have chosen to elect! But  i am also writing here today as a fighter. I believe that you and I, working together, can collectively make a difference. And we can do this through the ballot box (voting is our right). we should choose to elect only those who have a vision of greater Nigerian, and not those who seek power for there own sectional or personal interests, but who genuinely wish to serve for the benefit of a richer,fairer and united Nigeria!  We should choose a leader that we can trust base on his antecedent and pedigree. I repeat:We must elect honest leaders with commitment to justice and progress  of better Nigeria. Thank you

# WantBetterNaija.

God bless Nigeria.

Com Idris abdulkadri

#Devoid Nepotism but true federalism.
#Get your PVC,Get ready.
